How Can I Make A Difference?
On average, we rely on about 80 hours per week of volunteer assistance! We have volunteers help out in almost all aspects of our program, and we couldn’t be any more thankful for all of the hard work, dedication, and support our volunteers bring to the table. What will you get to do as a volunteer?!
During lessons, volunteers have one of two roles. They either are the lead, or the sidewalker. The lead helps riders that are not yet riding independently, by leading their horse for them. Some riders have the support of 1 or 2 sidewalkers, who walk alongside the rider to help with their safety while on the horse. Volunteers get to have just as much fun in the lesson as the riders! We also have volunteers help with mounted games and social activities, both in the arena and on our sensory trail.
Leaders and sidewalkers are both important roles to ensure the safety of our riders
In the barn, the horses love it when volunteers muck their stalls and fill up their water buckets. We also appreciate all the help from volunteers tacking up horses for the lessons, and the horses always love being groomed!
Mongo enjoys a bath!
If you prefer a more “behind the scenes” approach, there are also many things to be done around the property! We have volunteers that enjoy landscaping, and they are kind and generous enough to do that with us. Fences sometimes need fixed, or the sensory trail needs to be raked. We also have plenty of tack to clean, or toys to sanitize!
Eric and Tyler get ready to add more pool noodles to our car wash!
No horse experience? No problem! At a new volunteer orientation, we teach you everything you need to know. Orientation goes over how to halter and lead horses, tack and grooming, as well as sidewalking, and more! We hold new volunteer orientations once a month. Head over to the “Events” tab on our Facebook page, and our upcoming dates are listed on the “New Volunteer Orientation” event. You can also email Devyn, at, to schedule an orientation, ask questions, or to RSVP for an upcoming orientation. We look forward to meeting you!